Cant assign hd folder in vst preformer

Hi.i have vst performer ,and when i connect with another musician ,the hd folder is un assigned ,and cannot be changed.what am i missing???

which Operating System, Windows, OSX?

I have windows10.

I cannot confirm this, works well here (Windows/Windows) and no other such reports. Make sure to have the latest version on either end; if the problem persists, we need way more information. And yes, you need to be connected to be able to change that item.

Oh, and also this is only relevant when you are connected to a VST Connect PRO plugin, that setting has no meaning with VST Connect SE. We will check to remove its visibility for that case.

i tried it with 3 different people -it didnt work
in the hd recording folder its writen-no hd recording:-(

hi-i did ri install/and now every thing works/thanks:-)