In a guitar part, I’ve got notes in a Slash Voice, which switches to a note in a note Voice on the last beat. I’m trying to get rid of the rests created by the introduction of the note Voice. I tried selecting that note on 4, and clicking “Start Voice” in Properties… but it won’t stay. It jumps right outta there and won’t let me make that definition. I had already selected “Ends Voice” for the last Note entry preceding it.
How do I get rid of that rest?
Just generally - I’m wondering why isn’t there a direct “hide” function for rests? I know you can hide them by defining the voice start/stop… but not if that function is getting defeated for some reason. Why is the function getting defeated in this case?
Try selecting the bar. Right click>Filter>voices and choose. Then use Edit>Remove rests on that selection.
Thank you, that worked. The filtered selection didn’t work - it didn’t change the selection of the entire bar (possibly I did not filter the correct layer)- but clicking on the rest itself to select it directly, then Edit>Remove Rests did the trick.
Dorico uses voices, not layers. If you select the final note, you will see its voice in the status bar, so you can filter the correct one.
You also have a minim rest under the first rest in the bar, that needs to be removed.
Right, Finalespeak. I’m slowly learning the translations.
Good catch on the half rest on 1 - and thank you for pointing out where to find out which voice it is !
You can also turn on View | Voice Colors to see exactly what notes/rests belong to which voice.