Can't create multi-bar rest in just one spot

My first post - I have one 2-bar rest showing as 2 single-bar rests (m. 24-25) in 3 string parts in an 11-stave chamber orchestra score - all other multi-bar rests are fine in all parts. As suggested in some forum posts I’ve searched, I have all sign posts turned on and don’t see anything causing this in the Write and Engrave mode screenshots attached. Any solutions/advice most welcomed! Thanks from a 36-year Finale user!

Hi @Ken_Rogers1, and welcome to the Forum!

This is probably caused by your Playing technique, that extends till the notes after the rests, so impeding the multi-bar rest to be created (because those rest bars contain the prolongation of the PT, even if the properties are set to none, for the the Continuation type: so you don’t see it, but the continuation is there).
You can shorten the range of the PT, dragging the end control point to before the rest, and reapply the PT after the rests, copying/pasting it with option(alt)+ click (and eventually hide it, with H):


CleanShot 2024-10-31 at 22.32.19

Thanks - will try this!

Thanks again, the end of the note was before the rest, and checking in play mode seemed to agree as there was no continuation after the bar line. I was entering exclusively via MIDI keyboard for pitch and computer keyboard for rhythm. What did work though was changing the 3-slash tremolo to a 2-slash tremolo on the 8th tied to half in m.23. For some reason Dorico gives the second note one more tremolo slash than the first note, no matter which icon you choose. Go figure, even though the half notes in the bar before were both selected 3-slash and appear 3-slash. It was either that that worked or clicking on and deleting the 1st and 2nd whole rests multiple times each. Not sure which but eventually 2-bar extended rests appeared! Thanks for reply - all fixed now.