Can't Dorico place harmonics within the staff?

Many published scores and other software (I have used Finale for a long time) allow small symbols like harmonics and gestopft to be placed between the staff lines, as in this image, but Dorico does not seem to.

(Using Chaconne Ex, with nothing adjusted)

There are too many to fix by hand in the Engraving mode, and I would like to know if there is a solution.

The order of stacking the elements is now notehead > slur > 8va > harmonics, but with automatic processing I think notehead > slur > harmonics > 8va or the order shown in the attached image would be more appropriate.
In Finale, we could choose whether to place the articulations inside or outside the slur, so it was not this difficult.
I think this is inappropriate because the stacking rules of “performance technique” are applied to symbols that should be placed near the notes.


Hi @Nuyagawa, and welcome to the Forum.

I hope I am not forgetting some functionality.

One possible workaround is to change the music symbol for one of the articulations that you happen not to use in your project. Here an example of the edited Tenuto above music symbol, whose glyph I substituted with the natural harmonic glyph. After applying a tenuto to the notes, it will appear near the notes. I know is not ideal, but a possibility, even if the playback will of course not be correct.
I am sure the team is aware of this limitation (again: sorry if I am missing something obvious):

If you happen to need the tenutos, you can arrange them to use the Tenuto below music symbol (that uses still the tenuto glyph), and in case some note require a placement change, you can set the property accordingly so that the tenuto glyph appear, and then drag it in the desired vertical position in Engrave mode:

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The usual solution (provided with 8ve lines) is to put the offending object, the one causing the shift (here, the slur) to the other side of the staff using F (Flip), and placing it manually in Engrave mode. It preserves play-back. Not sure it works with slurs though.

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Thank you @Christian_R ,

I don’t use stress articulations, so I assigned harmonics to it. By setting the Engraving option in this way, I could notate the staccato-like placement within the staves.

In another song, I was also having trouble with the 4 staccatos attached to the tremolo, so the same method will solve the problem.

I’ll get by with this for now, but I just hope the developers will fix these flaws as soon as possible.