Can't download the 8.5 full version !!!

Hi all,
I would like to download the 8.5 Mac & PC full version (USB e-Licenser registered), beacause I have to much updates versions, and when I’ll change my hardware config, it’ll be too tedious !
My connexion can’t exceed 280 Kb/s on downloading…
So, when I click to the proposed download link on MySteinberg/my_products.html/Downlods, it starts properly, but sometimes at 50%, sometimes at 80%, it definitly crashes ! Idem with “Download helper”, or “Down Them All”, or any download app, impossible to recover the failed download (message like : “invalid user or password”, etc.).

Is there a ftp, P2P, or mirror link to solve that ?

Thanks a lot, and happy new year for all !