Can't download via Download Assistant - WTF?!

Just paid a ridiculous amount of money for an upgrade from 10.5 to 11 (well done Steinberg) and I can’t even down load the product using the system I have no choice but to use. Seriously, how hard is it?

same here!!! WTF

Salut , idem pour moi et cela commence a être fatiguant…
je n’arrive pas a ouvroir steinberg download assistant depuis qlq jours…

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si vous avez la solutions dite moi svp je craque complet…

same here , really this is first time on my life , i bought something that i cannot use.

Same from 2 days, No cubase 11 for now -.-

Same here…really annoying.

SOLVED (Win10):
Install Steinberg Download Assistant on another PC (mom, dad, sister, brother, uncle, grandpa, boyfriend, girfriend, neighbor…whoever you want), launch and login with your credentials and…TADAAAAA…everything works correctly.
at the end of download, transfer everything with an external hd, usb pen drive, dvd, ecc

on my daw the download assistant still doesn’t work -.-

hope to help you