Can't get dorico 5 to define measure correctly

I keep on running into a situation where I change the meter for one bar but Dorico doesn’t define the meter correctly. I must be missing a step. So, for instance, notice how the 5/4 bar doesn’t include the extra quarter-note that I need. How do I get the extra quarter-note value I need here?:


Press I for Insert Mode
Select the meter
Press Return twice

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Too easy, thank you.

Remember to turn Insert Mode off after you do this!


Exactly this. I may have a horror story or two from when I forgot to turn Insert Mode off. :joy:


It is worthwhile taking a little time to understand why this happens. For starters I’d point you to the Dorico Concepts section of the manual. Then I suggest you experiment with all the different insert modes to see how notes (including different voices) can move around as you insert/delete or change durations, with and without later time signatures (and also look at what happens when you add/delete tuplets).

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