Can't get midi to work correctly in output back to keyboard

Switching over from Finale and on an upgraded machine. My old Finale and 17 year old machine and no trouble with midi note input and sound out through the Yamaha PSR 540. I’m using an M-Audio Sport 1 x 1 midi connector into my Mac using 13.2.7.

The two major issues I have is that on input from the keyboard, whatever note I played first continues to play until I click on the stop button in transport. I’ve turned off the keyboard to see what happens, and the note continues.

The second issue is that I cannot get midi out through the keyboard, though in the audio midi setup I do hear the dissonant chord when I test it. No lights blink on the M-Audio sport on input to the keyboard except when testing, but I do get lights on the output from the keyboard

I’ve gone through everything I can find in setting up midi correctly in Dorico 5 pro but I am not a pro musician nor notator, This is just a hobby for me and my recorder group.

Welcome to the forum, @pgoulding.

If the note continues to sound, that suggests that for whatever reason the “note off” message is not being received by Dorico. The first thing I’d suggest is going to the Play page of Preferences and activating Filter out MIDI controllers. The problem might be that the keyboard is sending a lot of data, e.g. active sensing data or similar, and that’s swamping the “note off” messages. If that is the issue, changing this setting will help.

To send MIDI out to your keyboard, you’d need to go to Play mode and in the VST and MIDI panel, expand the MIDI Instruments section, and click the + button. You should see your MIDISport interface listed: choose that there.

You’ll then need to manually route the instruments you want to be played back through your keyboard to that MIDI output. You do that by switching to the Track Inspector panel in Play mode, then selecting each instrument in the track overview on the right, and assigning each one to the MIDISport output you set up in the previous step.

However, I’d recommend using the virtual instruments provided by Dorico for playback rather than using MIDI via your keyboard.