Cant move clip on first lane

For some reason I can’t move clip from lane 6st to lane 1st)
Also I can move it to any other lane (2-5). Plus I can move to 1st lane clips from lanes 2-5!
What I’m missing out?) Whats wrong could be with 6st and 1st lanes relationship?)))

Even more. I cant move clips from 7th lane to 1st and 2nd. It seems like I cant move clips far than 5 lanes distance)

can you post a screenshot, please?
This might be due to the fact that you’ve got different types of tracks which can only host a specific file format. The distance between lanes is irrelevant. E.g. you cannot move a MIDI event to an audio track.

yes, please. It’s just audio track


Isn’t the Lane locked? Aren’t the Audio Events locked?

I guess no, cause I CAN move clips on first lane from 2-5 lanes, and CAN’T move from 6, 7…
Also I CAN move clips from 6th lane on 2-5 lanes and from 7th lane on 3-6 lanes.

Grabbing at straws here, but are there different Audio files involved? For example Lanes 1-3 are associated with Audio File A, while Lanes 4-5 are Audio File B?

maybe, actually I didn’t pay attention… but how could it affect on the issue?)

at the moment I use some very weird way. I moved all lanes from 2nd to 5th down, so the 2 lane become empty. Then I copied all clips from other track directly on this lane instead of copy them to 6th lane. After that I was able to move clips from 2nd lane to 1st lane as usual)
Same I did with next clip sets.
Free 2nd lane, copy, then move. Cause 6 and further lanes are wont be disturbed I guess)