Can't record any drum on Cubase 13

Hello again,

I have a problem recording drums with both Groove SE and Drum Mode.
In both cases the situation is the same, I load the plugin on an instrument track, launch the Groove I want and when I try to record the audio signal that I hear is not recorded.
I’m sure it’s a silly thing, but I can’t find a way to do it.
Can someone tell me what I’m not doing or what I’m doing wrong?
In the link you can see what I say

A grateful greeting

Did you ever try reading the manual?
There is written that you need to send MIDI to the plugin, but the plugin doesn’t send MIDI to the sequencer.

Usual way of working with these plugs is drag and drop of the midi groove from plug to timeline.
If you really need audio then you can record to a separate audio track or you can render it after you create the midi track.

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Hi everyone,

st10ss. Good morning, first of all, thank you very much for your advice and the kind answer you have given without anyone asking you specifically.
Grim. Thank you very much for the solution ;-). I will continue exploring from here. If you need anything, I am at your disposal.

A grateful greeting

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