Cant save track preset in N6.5

Trying to create a Track Preset

Right Click on Track…Save Track Preset
Type a name in New Preset…Press OK
“Save Track Preset” Page does not collapse…only way to collapse it is by pressing Cancel…

No New Preset stored…


I had this exact issue. I solved it, but your setup up may require a different solution.

In essence, reset the preferences of N6.5. If you (or anyone else reading this) haven’t done this process before, read on. No guarantees here, but this is what I did.

My setup (Mac) was the result of upgrading to N6.5 whilst N6 was already installed. N6.5 appears to have done the usual SB thing of absorbing preferences from the N6 preferences (located, on a Mac, at User/Library/Preferences/Nuendo 6.

What we do is delete the new N6.5 and N6 folders, after preserving them. We are then going to selectively put back certain XML files from the original N6 preferences folder. Really, we are trying to avoid having to totally reset our key commands, and port setup, and perhaps logical presets. Your mileage may vary.

On a Mac, an easy way to do this is to navigate to User/Library/Preferences and right click on the Nuendo 6 folder and select Compress. If you are unable to find your User/Library folder, this is because late OSX systems hide this by default. You can easily reveal it in the finder by ALT clicking on the Go menu. You will see the Library item listed in the Go menu. Select it this way and you’re in.

When you right click (on the Nuendo 6 folder) and select Compress, a copy of the Nuendo 6 prefs folder is created as a ZIP. You can then safely delete the N6 folder. Do the same thing, separately, for the N6.5 folder.

Now, you must re-launch N6.5, and in the absence of a Nuendo 6 prefs folder, it will totally re-initialise all preferences. You should find, and it’s worth testing before you go any further, that you can now save preset files.

Once you are in this state, you can un-zip (a copy of) your old N6.5 (or N6) preference folder, place it somewhere sensible like the desktop. One by one, bring back in items from THAT folder to your new Nuendo 6.5 prefs folder. Each time, re-launch and check all is ok. If you have built up a lot of new preferences since installing N6.5, maybe you should be pulling files from there, rather than the N6 folder. That was not the case with myself.

The headline things to move back, which you may have historically built up over time are:

Key Commands.xml
Edit Modifiers.xml
Port Setup.xml (this is all your named ports. Make sure your preferred ASIO device is selected in N6.5, to make this file work. You need to quit N6.5 for your ASIO choice to be written to the prefs folder).
Your Panels folder if you have created any.
Presets Folder (look inside and it will remind you perhaps you have made logical edu presets etc)
Project Templates

Personally I left it there. Somebody smart might be able to tell you exactly which file to remove that was causing media bay to fail, in the first place, but I find a refreshed preference folder always a good idea.

You will no doubt find some annoying things that have gone back to defaults. Maybe you can bring more of those XML files across than I did, but I was happy to reset the remaining things in the knowledge that my preference folder was not corrupted at all by the SB upgrade.

Remember, if you made a copy of that Zip file, you can always get back to the condition you were in before doing all this. Please, copy that XML file before you pull things out of it - because they move, rather than copy.

I hope this works for you, and others.


Thanks goodbyenine!

I may have narrowed it down further to the defaults.xml.
If I replace the new default.xml with my old file, the dialog box won’t go away.

Mind you, my defaults.xml is 2114kb, while the new one is 549kb, so I’m sure I’m losing some other
important stuff!!

Again, thanks!