Hi - I’ve been using Dorico for about 2 -3 months, having switched from Finale - the learning process has been pretty smooth I think - I’m liking Dorico a lot - but on a current project, a large score for orchestra and choir, I’m finding I can’t select items on some staffs - for instance, I can’t select anything on the flute staff - the next staff down, oboes, selecting is normal, no problem - the next 5 or so staffs I can’t select anything till I get to the tuba, then I can select normally again - the problem occurs in write mode mainly, I think - though some rests I’m not able to select in engrave mode - any guidance would be greatly appreciated - Joe
Welcome to the forum, Joseph. I suspect you are using condensing: when music for multiple players is condensed onto a smaller number of staves, you cannot select music on the condensed staves in page view in Write mode. If you need to edit that music, switch to galley view, where the music shows up on its original, individual staves and can be edited accordingly.
Thank you Daniel, much appreciated - that was the problem - I have another problem, perhaps related - I have a tuplet - 3 16ths in the time of 2 - that is there in galley view but is gone when I switch to page view or engrave mode ( I’ve re-entered it a few times in galley view ) - it’s for a condensed staff of 2 oboes with only one playing that part of the music - and it’s right at a page turn - do you know why that might be happening? - thanks - Joe
I wonder whether possibly the tuplet is somehow hidden in the condensed staff? If you deactivate View > Signposts > Hide Signposts, do you see a green signpost for the tuplet at that position in the music? If so, select the signpost and adjust the properties in the Properties panel in the lower zone such that its number and/or bracket appear.
Thanks Daniel - no signpost appeared there, but I find if I delete the tie from the last note of the oboe part of the previous page (the last note of another 16th note tuplet) the tuplet sign appears in page view and engrave mode - if I re-enter the tie in galley view the tuplet sign is gone, though the notation is rhythmically correct - Joe
It could be that there’s an automatic condensing change occurring at that point and that’s somehow tripping Dorico up. If you’re able to cut down the project down to just the affected bars and attach it here, I’d be glad to take a closer look at it.
Thanks - I’ll try that -
another question - can I instruct Dorico to enter dotted rests ? - I mean instead of a half and a quarter rest a dotted half rest, or anything like that - I prefer one consolidated rest to 2 or three rests - and can that be made to happen for the whole flow - and should I start a new thread for a question on a different topic? - much thanks - Joe
Notation options>Rests…
Thanks - I’ve applied all the ‘allow dotted rests’ options in ‘notation options rests’ - but am still getting quarter and eighth rests instead the desired dotted quarter rests - same for half and quarter rests -
What meter are you writing in? Can you provide a minimal example of the situation or situations you’re experiencing?
I think the problem is that the dotted rests only appear for dotted quavers in simple 4/4, not dotted crotchets (unless you set it as 2 beats per bar)…
dot-rest.dorico (384.5 KB)
Ok - thanks - the score is using 4/4 mostly but the rhythmic situations are very varied - I’ve now manually condensed all the rests to dotted rests - it would be great to be able to choose to have single dotted rests over multiple rests notate for the whole project - also, I’ve excerpted a part of the score in which I was having the tuplet problem - in cutting it down I found that if I deleted the preceding measures the problem went away , if I deleted everything after the problem spot it was still there - so the excerpt is the score from the beginning till a few measures after the tuplet problem spot - and I’ve found another problem a few measures later in the score which is included in the excerpt - for some reason the bassoon parts there are not condensing - much thanks for all your advice - oh, I see now the file is too big - I’ll work on that - Joe
If the project is too big to attach, applying the Silence playback template may help to shrink it down.
smp 3 m 1- 13 silenced playback.dorico (1.2 MB)
I think that worked - the problem is in the oboe part measure 12 - and the bassoon problem is in measure 13 - thanks
Thanks for attaching the example. I don’t see a problem in bar 13 in the bassoons, but I do see the issue in the oboe 1+2 staff. I’ll need to consult with a colleague about this, and I’ll come back to you in due course.
Thanks Daniel - why aren’t the bassoons on 1 staff in measure 13? - condensing is applied - everywhere else they’re on 1 staff except in one place where voices cross -
Hi @Joseph_Haspel, this has probably to do with the Instrument change occurring at begin of bar 13, where Dorico needs a place to put the Instrument change Label for Bassoon 1. If you force the instrument change one bar earlier, inserting in bar 12 a Chord Symbol Region in Bassoon 1 (in Galley view), you see that the Bassoons condenses nicely (and the Instrument Change Label disappears because the staff label at the beginning of the system is clear enough):
ok - that’s great to know - thanks so much -
To close the loop on the missing tuplet issue: I can confirm that this is a bug in condensing, affecting tuplets on notes tied in from the previous system. I’m not sure when we will be able to fix it, but it is now logged for fixing as soon as is practical.
ok - thank you