Catalog of flow titles inside a dorico project

I have been using Dorico from the very beginning “of time”. I used to collect a lot of songs as flows into one project, forgetting that it could be really difficult to find the master project for a singe flow, just from reading the final PDF. An ex. would be this big band I’m playing in, where we created arrangements for a tribute to Chaka Kahn & Whitney Huston in a collection called “Tribute to Chaka Kahn & Whitney Huston”. This project title doesn’t have the slightest information about the flow titles so I just spend 15 min. digging around to find out that “Through The Fire” “of course” is in that project.
So wouldn’t it be nice to have some kind of tool/catalog app that could reveal all the flow titles of a Dorico project?
Hope you understand my point!
Regards Stig


Yes, we’ve thought about this in the past, and considered that we might be able to make a Spotlight plug-in (or an equivalent Windows shell extension) that can search inside the Project Info (including per-flow info) fields inside Dorico projects. It’s something we may well do in future, but we don’t have any concrete plans.


I guess I will have to tidy up all my projects by hand.
Regards Stig