Hi, I’m trying to get Dorico to work with a few controllers for my class tomorrow I teach about midi compositon.
I’m using the BBC Pro library and the BBC Playback Template.
I want to use my SSL UF8 to send CC data for expression and dynamics. I can see the green light flickering at the bottom of the screen and I know the UF8 is set up correctly for the right CC channels.
Dorico is not recording my CC movements though.
I have input a phrase using the querty keyboard as I normally do. However, I would like to go back and add some of my own expression movememnts. But, it seems there is already some CC data recorded on CC1 and CC11 that I can’t even delete. When I try to record over it, it doesnt record the new data. But I can hear the CC data changing with I’m recording.
I’m a little confused about whats heppening. Can anyone assist?
Dorico seems like it could be a great platform to teach midi composition instead of Logic. I would love to get this sorted out. Thanks in advance!
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I’m able to record cc data from the modwheel on my Hydrasynth. But, I can’t get CC Data from my controller which is the SSL Uf8. I have made sure that the Dorico is enabled to accept info from the SSL. I tried toggling thr filter option for midi controllers with no luck.
When you waggle the wheel on your SSL UF8, do you see a little green MIDI input indicator flash in the very bottom right-hand corner of the project window? If so, that suggests the MIDI CC data is at least being received by Dorico.
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Yes, I see the green light. And I hear it adjusting the dynamics and expression while recording. It just doesnt actually record the data.
That’s very strange! I can’t offer an explanation for why it would work on one device and not another. And from your other device, the data is correctly recorded when you use real-time recording?
yes, the other device (which is a synth) responds fine when I use mod wheel. But the SSL UF8 doesn’t even though I’m seeing the little green light.
I’ll make a video tonight. In other apps, I can record CC data from the SSL.
Here is a video of me howing the issue I’m having. Dorico CC Message Issue
Here is a video of my displaying it working in other apps and again trying Dorico 5.
CC Working with other Apps Demo
The grey lines you’re seeing in the CC editor are showing the dynamics that Dorico is playing back via CC1, as defined by the combination of settings in the expression map and Playback Options. As you add dynamics to your music, you’ll see those grey lines reflect the prevailing dynamic level, tracking what you see in the Dynamics editor (though not necessarily linearly, due to the way the power curve for dynamics is applied).
I can only assume that the data that is being sent by the SSL UF8 is somehow different than the data sent by your keyboard. Perhaps you could run ShowMIDI and see if you can spot the difference between the data sent by your two devices?