CC121 Discontinued?

Is the CC121 discontinued? Still live on Steinberg’s site, but no one seems to stock them any more…

OK not discontinued. Just takes six months to get one in Australia.

Still available in Europe. Few days delivery.

Yep, still alive. They just don’t want to sell them in Australia.

Drastic price drop.
Major retailers out of stock (though claiming availability on back order).
These are tell tale signs of a product about to be discontinued.

I bought a Yamaha motif XF when it was being phased out back in 2016, and I got a great deal on it, but it comes at a cost:
Dwindling support
Accessories and parts not available
Little or nothing in the way of upgrades
Incompatibility with newer technology

On the positive side,
It may mean that steinberg has some new and improved product in the works to replace the CC121.
I hope so.
I will be first in line.

Damn…is it that hard for a company to respect their customers enough to let them know what is happening with their products?! Steinberg: it’s a simple question: will it be back in stock soon or be discontinued?? I’m trying to buy one for months now…Can’t have a clear answer anywhere!!

Bought mine from these guys and looks like they still have them: