CC121 not working on M1 mac : when will it be fixed?

Since upgrading to C12 M1 the CC121 is not working anymore.

It seems some drivers are missing for M1. Even if on Steinberg website it is indicated that the CC121 is working with C12 and N12.

Anyone succeed to make it work ?

When steinberg will update their drivers for the CC121 ?

There are some remotes mapping for the CC121 in the forum. Just download and try them.

I have mine going on my M1 in native mode and I posted the mapping on here., I cannot get scrub or AI to work but for everything else i have it working and I have extra items I use more on it now.

I’m not too sure the drivers are really that important anymore. I have heard they are being tested but that was 6 months ago. I’m more than happy using the remote mapping now.

works fine for me in rosetta mode. Doesn’t work natively in M1,

I does work very well here on my MBP 16" M1 Pro under Monterey.
You have to install the Steinberg Midi Driver after the install of the CC121 Tool kit.