CD wizard on specific track


please is there a way to run the cd wizard just on a selected track?
No matter what I do but it always take into account all the tracks.


Is there something specific you are trying to do with this single track?

Let’s say I want to create a CD using the clips in track1 and leave the clips in track2 as reference and comparison for me while I’m working.
At the moment the only way to create the track 1 CD is to delete track 2 clips.

I see, that does make some sense. I’ll have to think if there Is a good solution for that, or maybe PG will know but it helps to know the true goal now.

Not possible. Good idea for the future.

The only quick workaround I can think of now is to add the reference files after the CD wizard work is done if possible.

It’s also not too hard to put the reference files in a separate montage anyway and use the shortcut CONTROL + PAGE UP/PAGE DOWN to move between montages. This way you can be sure your reference files are free from any montage output processing you may (or maybe not) be doing.

I could see an advantage to creating a few special montages of various reference samples/styles anyway to keep on hand.

Hopefully PG can add this feature for you in the future though.

Good recommendation!!! I will try it out.
Thank you!!

You could also manually place the CD Track markers as step 1. Then after that, run the CD Wizard but only to correct them to CD Frame positions. Or run the CD Wizard and remove the unwanted markers (this could be more troublesome ofcourse).

To add to Justin’s suggestion; you could put the ‘reference montage’ as a superclip in your working montage, so you don’t have to change views.