Cents tuning to single notes

I understand that Dorico works with tuning systems which makes sense from a compostional perspective. However, it is not very comfortable if one wants to use cents for microtonal music . I would like to know it is also possible to tune single notes from write mode. It would be great to have a note parameter for cents to be able to do it manually, and the option to show the cents over the note.


To tune notes differently from 12 EDO in Dorico, you need a tonality system that sets the desired intervals between the “white” notes and defines the needed accidentals. Dorico comes with quarter-tones (24 EDO) built-in. Custom accidental definitions include the pitch difference in terms of the number of EDO. For example a ¼-tone flat is –1/24.

I have done extensive work in just intonation. For that I just use a very large number of EDO – for example, 12,000 EDO makes 0.1 cent precision.

There is not currently a way to automatically show cents differences for each note; you will have to enter those as text. The workflow you describe sounds much more like what I used to do in Sibelius, which can only use pitch bends for detuning.

Say a bit more about what you want to write, and maybe I can be more helpful. This video (50 minutes) shows how things work in Dorico in much more detail.


Hello Mark,

Thanks for the quick reply. I am familiar with Dorico’s tuning systems and it’s great overall.
I was wondering about cents for two applications:

  1. Contemporary string quartets that use a cent tuner for microtonal music. So it would make more sense to think and notate the music directly in cents.
  2. I have a symphonic piece with a soloist that plays a middle eastern mode with in one section, the orchestra doesn’t play any microtonal notes. So the solution is to add a custom key.signature only for the soloist , or use 24 EDO overall (which is what I will probably do). However, since it’s a short section it could be easier just to add the few 1/4 tones of the mode manually for the soloist. …


It’s easy to give a soloist an independent key signature. If you put it at the same place as the global key sig it will look the same, but allow you to use the accidentals.