Challenge for Cubase Midi experts: Is this possible with Cubase midi plugins???

  1. I’m looking for a Cubase Midi plugin-(setting) (e.g. “Transformer”) to play an A-B-note-alternation: one note number is always the input and the output should be 2 note numbers that alternate steadily.
    (Example: Input-NoteON note 36 → Output NoteON note 36; after then Input-NoteON note 36 → Output NoteON note 38; then again Input-NoteON note 36 → Output NoteON note 36; after then again Input-NoteON note 36 → Output NoteON note 38; … and so on)

  2. And I’m looking for a way to suppress NoteON events of the same note number after a wanted NoteON event. The suppression length should be settable in a range of milliseconds.

    Both tasks are meant for real time e-drumming and so the tools have to be free of latency!

Is here a smart midi nerd who can create (or script) this for the Cubase midi plugin “Transformer” (or other Cubase midi plugins)? Is there a chance to get the job done within Cubase?

I really would appreciate any suggestions and I will donate for the man with the answer and solution.
Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:

This is more a job for an arpeggiator, actually.


The challenge here is, how to make the switch of the 1st and 2nd incoming note.

I’ve tried it with “Arpache SX” (with a midi note sequence from a midi file) but this was not free of latency…

Yeah, I couldn’t get real time “Transformer” to operate with time ranges (that are no problem with for example Bidule midi editing…but I need it in Cubase without 3rd party software…)

What instrument is this going to?

Maybe there is a way to change the instrument so that both samples react to one note.