Change instrument name (specific one)

Hello! How could I change this “double name” of the bongos and put one that I want?
I’ve seen that I can put the name of the player and not the instrument, but then I don’t know how to change the font of the player’s name to unify it with the others.

Library->Paragraph Styles->Staff Labels I think.


Thank you. The only doubt I have is because it calculates the sizes of the letters differently. That is, I had instrument names set to 11 pt, and when I changed the font from Paragraph style → Staff labels I had to put 10 pt. to make it the same… but everything is solved.

Could it be that one of them is set to relative and the other absolute?


Yes, in paragraph styles is in relative, but if I change the name by this way:

I can’t find the option for choose.

Hm, Edit names also use staff labels paragraph style, so the size should be the same. I get the same size when I switch between Players name and instrument name.


I’ve already found the why… Initially I had chosen 11pt. from here:

And then, when I raised the pt. from the Paragraph styles from 10 to 11, the ones that were previously at 11 were raised to 12…
Then I had to go back to how I had done it the first time and change it again.

Yes, that explains it.
