Change instrument on playback

Hi. How do I change which instrument is used om playback, without changing the notes?
Kindly /Mats

Go to play, open the instrument, and load any other one at your preference.

Thanks, but I don´t understand.
I user Pro, and new att this.
Can I please get a more detailed description step-by-step, please?


  1. go to PLAY
  2. Open your instrument (HALion Sonic in my example)
  3. You’ll see al the instruments automatically loaded (in my example a Mozart Orchestra, but can be just one piano).
  4. Select the instrument you want to change
  5. Browse among instruments to choose what you prefer,
  6. Load it.

Don’t be shy to experiment!

:slight_smile: orry, still don´t get it.
Point 2, you write ‘open your instrument…’, how do I do that?
Point 3, since I haven´t opened it, I can´t see a list.

Sorry, no good at experimenting…:slight_smile:

By the way, I don´t have actual instruments, I have voices in a choir. Don´t know if that matters?

In the left panel, next to the VSTi, you should see a rounded e (edit button). Press that.

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No problem Kindle! Voices are (human) instruments, so, no, it doesn’t matter.

  1. When you are in Play, near the instrument you can see an e (if you hover with the cursor says “Edit Instrument”). Click on it!
  2. Now you’ve opened it!

This is a SATB where B is a Piano!
satb.dorico (774.3 KB)

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I wrote out a detailed set of steps here:

This new video from Anthony also shows how it’s done:


Thanks, I think I got it now.

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Thank you for sharing that video. It really helped me through the steps.