Change note durations without adding rests

I want to change note durations, for example, change a measure of quarter notes to a half measure of eighth notes.

But when I change the duration, I get a measure of eighth notes divided by eighth-note rests.

If you activate insert mode (I) first, subsequent note value changes don’t create rests but keep the notes together so that you should get the desired result.

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Martin90, thank you! That does it.

I dunno how I could have figured that out myself.

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Do not underestimate yourself!
I can share my experience: I did figure it out myself by:

  1. watching all videos in YT Dorico notation input topic
  2. user manual online

It is possible!
But I have had the same experience. Asked here and got a very simple answer right away. Had exactly the same thought then… we are all human (hopefully). Cheers!

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