I have written in a Section of a Song a Melody in the tempo of q=130 wich has some 16th notes in it and my arranging teacher said I have to change it into 8th note so the BassPlayer can read his quarter notes. That means I had to change to cut time and double the note length with insert mode one AND had to insert enough Bars behind the Melody so it has enough space.
Can someone help me to find the best Workflow for a situation like this?
And which of the Insert Mode would be the best use for it, if you are in the middle of a BigBand Score.
Thank you so much for helping me
Reto Byell
This should work if you do the following:
- Select the entire passage you want to modify.
- Turn on Insert mode.
- Go to Write > Edit Duration > Double Note Duration.
- If you then want to change the 4/4 to cut common time, select it, press Shift+M , and type “cutc”
Then check any instances of tuplets to verify that they are as you wish them.
@Derrek You are right, I forgot that this causes issues with tuplets.
@Reto_Byell You can find advice on this case here:
or here:
Thank you very much every one , I will carefully examen this and write down
the whole workflow , then I will come back and post it here
till then