Changing default clef position

I’ve been searching the manual and the forum and nothing has come up about this.
Is there a way to change the default behaviour of the position of a clef change?
I had to move the bass clef to before the barline of bar 39 whilst the positioning in bar 40 is Dorico’s default:

According to Behind Bars page 8 my manual override in 39 should be the default. Is there a switch some place I have missed to look?

Have you tried inputting the clef change after inputting the note in bar 39 (ie before the rest) while the caret is still at the start of bar 40, rather than just before inputting the note on the second beat of bar 40?

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This could be related to how Dorico now automatically inputs notations at notes, even if the selection starts with a rest (for the common situation where you want to give everyone a forte dynamic in a bar, but some parts start on the downbeat whereas others start partway through the bar, and putting a forte on a rest at the start of a bar looks weird)

There’s a sub option for allowing specifically clefs to be created at rests, independently of other items that you want to create at notes.


Thank you, Lillie! And since this is a preferences I take it, it affects all my projects.

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Yes indeed :slight_smile: