I want to change the default text for the text above a note. In fact, I’d be happy to change default text for all text in the project. I’ve changed the Default Text Font Family to Finale Jazz Text, but this does not propagate to the default text for above above a note.
Also – the text label at the top of the pull down list of fonts does not reveal the full label contents, only “Default T…” so I can’t see what I’m actually changing? What does the selection I might from this pull down list actually change?
Hopefully my screen snapshots that I’ve uploaded will appear here.
Dorico actually has two different ways of specifying text – Font Styles and Paragraph Styles – and each one has its own default.
From your description and screenshot, it sounds like you’re adding Staff Text to a note (Shift+X). The default for that is the Default Text Paragraph Style, not the Default Text Font Font Style. If you look in Library > Font Styles and Library > Paragraph Styles, you’ll see what gets set in each one.
When you add Staff Text, the dropdown you’re talking about lets you select one of the defined paragraph styles. If you hover your mouse over the dropdown, you’ll see the full name of the current style in a tooltip.
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Thanks asherber for your help. I’m really impressed by Dorico’s community . This is a major positive for Dorico that I didn’t experience with “the other” music notation applications. I think what you’re telling me is kind of realised in the “Create New Project” dialogue, where I can change both the “Music Font” and the “Text Font” … as I have in the attached picture. This seems to do the trick that I was looking for in my original post. Have I missed anything more useful that this? Thanks again.
Yes, if you create a new project that way and set the text font, Dorico will set both the Default Text Font font style and the Default Text paragraph style.
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