Changing design of triplet

I want to use a similar design to the triplet in the second bar in my example.
Is this possible in Dorico?
(the example might be from Finale a few years back)

Ciao, sì si può:

  1. devi impostare questo in Note Opzioni tipografiche:
  2. devi nascondere la terzina:
    Buona Musica

Thank you!
Where can I find the menu “Note Option tipografiche”?

The English version is Engraving Options > Notes > Stems.

Thank you very much, both of you.

In this context of mixed rhythms, the ‘3’ should be present. No ifs ands or butts.


To get the half-beamed 8th note…
Select the note
Edit > Notations > Beaming > Beam Together