Changing displayed duration of a tied note

In this measure,

I would like the blue C and G to each be notated as an eighth tied to a dotted half note – but using the force-duration does not work unless I break all the ties and rebuild the voices from scratch. Are there other options?

As you can see from the voice colours, the a and d are in the same technical voice, and therefore inevitably notated as chords with common stems and ties where needed. If you want the d to behave independently, it needs to get a voice of its own. You can do this by selecting the d alone and typing either just V to rotate through existing voices (if you already have created several earlier), or shiftV to create a new voice for it.
Note that when you rotate through existing voices, this d will seemingly mess up other notes by joining their stems, but this is quite harmless. Once you settle on a voice for the d, the other voices will restore their original look.
You’ll probably see new rests appear as well. You can do Remove Rests if you feel they clutter your score.

I’m confused - the A and D are not in the voice I am interested in - why would they affect the notated duration of the C and G?

Hi @dascott, you need to change this Notation Option: Note Grouping > Notes starting after the start of the bar of multiple beats in duration to Notate as a single note:

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