I am trying to get more systems per page on my piano/vocal score and even though I am changing the rastral size nothing is changing…(new convert from Finale so still learning so much!)
I also tried changing the inter-system gap but nothing changes. (FYI I don’t have the “fixed number of systems per frame” marked…
Hello Larry, welcome to the forum.
1st thing I would check: switch to Engrave Mode and observe the little page icons to the top right.
If you can see them coloured, right click and “Remove Page Ocerrides”.
If you have already manually changed things on your layout - f.e. manually moved staves - then changing the settings won’t do anything.
That’s why it is good to Remove Overrides first - then change your rastral size or other settings.
Hi, welcome to the forum!
Your first insticts were very good. Changing rastral size is a massive change. If you don’t see any change, chances are you’re not watching the Layout you’ve modified.
If you see the change in size but it doesn’t solve the problem, your second idea is spot on. Layout options >Vertical spacing >Ideal gaps is where you should be able to make things move the way you want.
Try reducing the different gaps — note that they are qualified as “ideal”, it should be “minimal gaps allowed”. You can go down as far as 4 without being ridiculous.
Of course, you can reduce the gap between systems. And the two last settings (1 and 2 by default, I use 1/2 and 1).
If it’s not enough, post a cut down version of your project
Hope it helps!
Thanks for the help! Removing Page Overides helped. The entire document looks like I want except I think the space between the first and second staff of the second system is now too large. Not sure what I did!
It looks as though you’ve made manual changes to the staff spacing. Contrary to the way we used to work in Finale, you should avoid doing that in Dorico until the very end of the layout process, first having exhausted changing the settings to optimise the layout. Go to Engrave Mode, choose Staff Spacing and then select all the staves in which the small, blue circles at the beginning of the system are red, and press delete.
I am sure you are right! I am still combing through the forums. I found a suggestion to toggle a “Sfaff Spacing” button on the left hand corner but I don’t seem to have that button. I only have Staff Spacing in the “Engrave” menu. When I select it it gives me these three option. None of these options reveal the circles you are talking about…
You all have been so generous with your time… after this I may just copy and paste the information to a new document. I obviously have “corrupted” something in playing around with Layouts…