Changing size of fingering (whole document)

Is it possible to change right hand fingerings (p i m a) for the whole document?

What kind of change are you looking for?

Font size

You can change the fingering font size in: Library > Font Styles > Fingering Font.

The problem is that it changes the size for the left hand too (1,2,4,) so I guess it’s maybe a topic for updates …

You can change the Y-scale of the glyphs for p, i, m and a in the Fingering category of Library > Music Symbols.

Here is an example with the Y-scale of these glyphs set to 150:

Thanks for your deep inside info :-), but what if I’ve to change a whole document with 500 fingerings? Changing one by one?

No, if you follow @johnkprice it will be changed everywhere. Try it …

This is because you then just have redefined the symbol itself (sizewise), and all your p,i,m,a s will just be instances of the same definition (like for example the dynamics symbols)

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Or in other words – the

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WooHoo! Needed that. Thanks.

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