Can someone guide me to a video on YT to explain to me how to change the sounds in Play mode using the original Halion sounds? I’m particularly interested in big-band instruments with vocals. I do have note performer installed but i try to find out how to use the original sounds embedded in Dorico 5 Pro, and tweak them.
Welcome, @Marcel_J
If you just want to have a different HALion instrument for a staff line, then the easiest way is to change the “Dorico” instrument in Setup mode.
Otherwise, you’ll have to open the VST window (using the little ‘e’ button in Play mode), and then change the sample instrument there.
Thanks, i did came that far but i like to learn how to continue in this VST window. I did experience a bit but don’t really know what i’m doing. That is why i’m asking if there is a video available on YouTube showing this.
Are you asking how to get the HALion sounds (just apply one of hte HALion playback templates) or (what I suspect) how to transform sounds within the HALion (Sonic?) Player?
(Not sure transforming sounds within the included HALion Sonic player is possible.)
Thanks Daniel, i did watch this video but i like to know more about the different plugins that are available for Halion. The window that opens after pressing the “e” shows the Halion Sonic 7 settings. There are a lot of possibilities and features to pick from on the right side and i’m particularly looking about more info on that topic.
I do not own any other VST besides Noteperformer.
Thanks Derrek, but that’s not what i’m looking for
There’s always the manual: Steinberg