Changing tempo to a pre recorded audio track

Hi everyone,
I didn’t find a precise answer to my question, that is this: which one, among different Cubase time warping algorithms, is the best when changing the tempo in a song with pre recorded audio (two strumming acoustic guitars in my case)?
I tried different ones, and different methods - set definition from tempo, set files to musical mode (into the pool), stretching tool - to achieve a good result but I always clearly hear artifacts in resulting sound…
First related doubt: is it possible that, being my files two different guitars and not the same file copied, warping make playing differences more evident in the accelerated files. (I don’t hear the same artifacts in a single melody or in a single arpeggiated guitar)
Second related doubt: is there a bpm increasing limit not to exceed? (I moved from 97 to 110 bpm…)
Thank you,


If the Tempo should follow your free playing, go for the Tempo Detection.

Thank you, @Martin.Jirsak, it’s not a free played audio but a recording done at a slower tempo that I would like to increase…
When I raise the bpm I can clearly hear alterations in audio, especially when I play higher chords; I think I’ll have to replay those tracks.
The problem is not so evident on a single line melodic guitar part, instead


I see. Sorry for my misunderstanding.

The only way is to stretch the audio.

No problems, @Martin.Jirsak, you’re always very kind and welcome!
If you refer to the stretch tool I tried it too but in my case it wasn’t very efficient: after various attempts I think the bad result depends mainly on the specific kind of file…