How can I easily change the size of the accidental in a chord symbol ie. F#7 to make that accidental larger without also making the other altered accidentals larger in a chord like F#7(#9#5)? I can’t seem to find the font style that only alters the scale degree accidental component of a chord symbol.
The scale factor for the accidentals in the alterations is determined by options in the Design section of the Chord Symbols page of Engraving Options.
If you want to change the size of the root accidental without affecting anything else, I think the way to do it is probably to use Library > Chord Symbols and add (say) F#
as a chord symbol. Then select the # component, and click the little pencil icon to edit it: set the X and Y Scale values as you like, e.g. to 110%, then confirm the dialogs. Now any root # accidental will use your revised, enlarged sharp.
I’d like to reduce the size of all accidentals in all alterations—but not alterations of the chord root or bass note. I would think the easiest way to do this would be to reduce the chord symbols music font, and then use the chord symbols editor to enlarge the sharp and flat that appears in a chord root, right? But then I will also have to enlarge all other chord “music” symbols, like a triangle.
Is this still the best approach? It seems there’s no way to edit an accidental on an alteration without also altering the number size. Am I missing a setting somewhere?