Changing the type of staves

Good morning,
Do you know how to change the staff type during a score? For example, if I want a violin to play sound objects for three bars that will be written on one or two lines, but only for those three bars.
I searched the online manual (in French) for “changer le type de portée”, “changer portée”, “insérer portée”, etc. and it didn’t return anything.
Thanks in advance.

In this case, you probably want an instrument change: give the violin player both a violin instrument, and another instrument appropriate for the other things you want to notate (eg a triangle).

Then, in galley view, write the violin music on the Violin staff, and the triangle music on the Triangle staff. Dorico will handle the instrument change and staff switching for you.

Thank you very much, Mrs Harris, I’m going to try this straight away.

(I don’t want my violin to play triangles, but… stemmed glasses.
I’m thinking of using a staff with two lines.) :slightly_smiling_face:

Obviously “triangle” was just an example to demonstrate the concept.

(PS I prefer ‘Ms’ not ‘Mrs’, or indeed just ‘Lillie’ will do)


I understood correctly, thank you again Ms Harris (I am old French school… :relieved:)