Changing to "no key signature" mid score

So I have this score, which is clearly in D Major for most of the piece but for 8 bars it changes around a lot into many different tonalities so I’d like to have no key signature there for any instruments. I can’t change to C Major cause then the transposing instruments will still have a key signature written, which has nothing to do with whats going on.
Is there any way to “delete” the key signature for only these 8 bars?
All help is much appreciated! Thank you!

Use a Key Signature of “Atonal.”

yeah thats what I’m trying to do.
I just figured it out myself: So I used the “Panels” right hand side menu. There is no Option to select “Atonal” there, only C Major.
So I needed to switch to “Popovers” and then I could type in “atonal”

Once you get used to the popovers, you will rarely need to use the panels at all, and your workflow will be much quicker.


@juurban2001, per @Janus, here’s the motherlode: