Channel Settings - EQ bypass/reset; changed behaviour..?

Can someone else check this please.? Maybe just me, but now it seems I can no longer hold Alt+click on that pathetic little circle/dot/button thing in the Equaliser tab to reset EQ directly - you have to bypass first, then you can hold Alt+click to get the ‘Are you sure you want to reset…’ etc prompt…

Plus, I see there’s a new extra Tooltip that appears for this now - one for just plain ‘Click to Bypass’ then another (when bypassed) that adds the text ‘reset equalisers with Alt+click’…

On the Channel Strip, this works just as it always has - i.e. hold Alt+click on the little button/dot/circle thing, to reset (the prompt pops up to ask ‘Are you sure…’ etc)

I mean, if this is a for real ‘workflow improvement’ change, then my goodness… sigh…


Yes, I can confirm. Reported to Steinberg. Thank you.

Thanks @Martin.Jirsak

I’ll dare hope this is just a mistake and not something deliberate… surely…? :slightly_frowning_face: