Checking licence forever and ever

Hi there, been a long time.
I’ve searched in the forum already, but didn’t find something i had not tried.
After a few years i have the same problem than many : cubase 12 on mac OS is stuck at the checking licence stage. With no explanation. I uninstalled activation manager and installed the latest version, and this time the damn thing is telling me he cannot connect to the server (at least i have a message of some sort) Any idea about how i could fix this ?

Thanks guys.


Are you sure, it’s checking the Cubase license? Isn’t it any 3rd party plug-in license?

Could you try to start Cubase without 2rd party plug-ins and test it?

Thanks, I never thought it could be something else, to be honest. To me, cubase was guilty since the download assistant is f**ked too. But how do i start cubase without the plug-ins ?


Try to start Cubase in the Cubase Safe Start Mode and disable 3rd Party Plug-ins in the dialog.

Damn, i didn’t know it was even possible ! I’ll try as soon as i’m back from work.