Chimes Playback bug?

When notating for chimes above f4, no sound is played by dorico. Standard range however, goes up to f5.
If I notate it an octave lower as in the picture, it works. But thats not right for chimes, since the lowest note normally is middle c. Which dorico apparently regocnizes since the notes are marked red.

Any solutions for this? Thanks for your help.

I think that in Halion sonic SE 3 we can’t extand the range of instruments.
But you can change the instrument with [GM 015] Tubular Bells which cover all the keyboard

The pitch/range of the chimes is correct. What is missing is the (transposing) notation. The chimes are written from middle C up an 11th to F and sound an octave higher.

Perhaps this is a case of the C3/C4 middle-C discrepancy between Cubase (HALion) & Dorico, but one hopes that Dorico can fix the notation as it has for a couple of other pitched percussion that exhibited a similar transposition/notation problem in the past.

You can fix the notation with the “octave shift” property of clefs in Dorico 3.5.

Please see this earlier thread.

Wasn’t there a similar problem (with Handbells, was it?) that was fixed in a recent update? II just figured this would be a similar notation glitch that could eventually be corrected to eliminate the workaround.

Wasn’t there a similar problem (with Handbells, was it?) that was fixed in a recent update? II just figured this would be a similar notation glitch that could eventually be corrected to eliminate the workaround.