Choir - playback quit

Well I finished rescoring the choir I revived from the old MOTU score. But now, it won’t play. My other scores will. The choir score quit yesterday. Then when I did a select all, it would play. Today, that doesn’t work. Any suggestions? One note, this started as an XML import from Finale that I had never finished. I loaded the Finale XML in Dorico, corrected lyric placement and then finished the choir score. I’m using NotePerformer. Thanks!

Sometimes, simply re-applying the right Playback Template wil help (Play menu).

Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to help…

I found a way to make is work, but it is a kludge. If I export the file to musicxml and then reimport to a new project, it will playback. Reloading the old project, playback is still broken. Seems that the project file became corrupt in some way??

Sorry, but I don’t think any of us believes you.
Post the project and someone will fix it.

TheStonesBeenRolledAway.dorico (671.2 KB)

I’m sure I’ve set something to screw the file up. Let me know what you find.

You have an empty flow1. Delete it in Setup.
(You probably imported an xml into an empty project. This creates a second flow)

Thanks. Not sure where you saw the empty flow? I went into setup and did a create flow as delete flow was greyed out. Once it created the flow, I deleted it. Playback is now working. Thanks!

It’s here… It has no players assigned.