Chopin prelude op 28 no 1 tuplets

Hello, regarding the inner voice in Chopin’s C major prelude, I recall seeing a way to notate this using nested tuplets, but it is not turning up in searches. I’d be really grateful if someone could please reply with a link to that thread.

In the meantime, the solution is to create a 6:4s tuplet, advance the carat 1s, create a 3:4s nested tuplet, enter the dotted 8th note, advance the carat 1s and enter the final 16th note. The notes will now align with the other voice.

Is this link to the manual helpful?

It is helpful! I’d also still like to find the earlier thread that I had mentioned.

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Hi @RM369Q, maybe you mean this thread?

I made (as an exercise for me) a little visual guide for the required steps (separated for clarity), in case could be useful to someone:

Dorio File:
Chopin first Prélude-workflow (nested tuplets).dorico (685.4 KB)



Thank you so much @Christian_R that was the thread. Thanks also for your exercise, super helpful!

(I have no idea why that thread didn’t turn up in the search results, but hopefully this one will the next time someone goes looking for this.)


You are welcome, @RM369Q.

I searched for this :wink: :

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