Chord Rotation

In Finale, there was a LUA-Plug-In available for chord rotation up or down. Is there such a function in Dorico?
I tried with Engrave/Transformation without success.

what do you mean by chord rotation? To change the inversions of a chord?

Yes, that is, what I mean. Sorry for my bad English!

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You can select a chord, and filter the lowest notes and then move them up an octave via alt-ctrl-up arrow.
You can also record a macro for it and save it and give it a key command.

Thanks a lot for your quick answer. That works for one chord, but if there is a line of chords in different inversions and they are too high or low, this would take a lot of time. Is there any other way?

very un-Doricoish and quite unscientific:

hohe Noten

Nein, mir gefallen die parallele Akkorde die so entstanden sind auch nicht … :sunglasses: