Chord symbol alignment help needed

Hello all,
I am new to Dorico. I was almost fair at Finale.
I am trying to figure out how to align chord symbols like the pic below.
When I enter a chord symbol, Dorico puts the same chord in all of the rhythm staves in the same horizonal location (yellow) I am trying to move only the piano chord symbol (green)

What am I missing here?
Thank you all! this forum is awesome.


Several options depending on situation:

  1. Move the individual chords in Engrave mode
  2. Enter another chord at that offset location, then Hide all the unnecessary chords on all the staves. (This way has the benefit of keeping the position accurate if the layout changes)
  3. Place the chord where it is accurate for the majority of the instruments, then hide it in the others. Enter the chord in the others by using Alt/Opt +Enter to input an independent chord symbol. (This also keeps positioning accurate.)

I usually do options 2 or 3 depending on what will be fastest in a given situation. Option 1 isn’t mathematically precise, so even though I imagine most do it that way, I usually don’t.

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Thank You Fred!

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