Chords and multi measure rests problem

I have an arrangement for a song, and for the vocal score, I want the chords to appear on the top staff.

It seems like having chords over empty bars prevents multi measure rests from being created, but when I hide the chords individually I get 4 empty bars, but still not a multimeasure rests.

Worse than that - now I can’t figure out how to re-show the chords over the empty bars, since they are not there to be selected so I can change their properties back to “show”.

(Example in the picture - How can I get a MM rest over the first 4 bars here?)

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Do you have your Layout set to show multi-bar rests?

You need to turn Signposts on to see hidden objects:

Beware that unhiding chords will unhide them in all Players of that Layout (maybe all Players in the project? I can’t remember)


If multi-bar rests are already switched on then there must be some other hidden item causing the bars to show individually.

You’ll need to upload a cut-down version of your project for us to diagnose.


Hi, Thanks!
Multi bar rests are switched on, and when I delete them for these bars I do get the multumeasure rest - so there shouldn’t be something else preventing them from being created - attached is the file, maybe you can shed some light on it… Many thanks!
Multimeasure Rests Problem.dorico (680.5 KB)

For whatever reason, when I open the project, I can also see that bar consolidation is switched on but those bars are not consolidating.

I found that if I turn bar consolation off > Apply > and then back on again, they work as expected. Does this work for you?

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Yes it does! Not the expected behavior, I suppose, but it works. Many Thanks!!

You’re welcome.

It is very strange. Someone from the team may get a chance to open your file and see what’s going on.

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It is strange - when I work on other layouts and come back to this one, it changes back and I have to toggle multi measure rests again. This is pretty annoying… Would be great if someone from Dorico can have a look.

Have you tried just creating a new layout?

I haven’t yet, and it sounds like a good idea -But I’d still like to understand what happened there so I know how to avoid it in the future…

@roeeli Indeed you have created a Custom Score layout, that behaves differently than a Part Layout (different default Layout Options*). Creating a Part Layout with those two players, all works as expected:

As an explanation:
(*) Here the Layout Option that cause this discrepancy:

Also I edited your Part First Page template, that had issues with the frames:

(For the arranger frame, I would use a Token…)


Thanks so much, Ill check it out :pray::pray: