Despite having the option in Layout Options selected as “position of chord symbols on grand staff instruments: Grand Staff”, my chords appear above top staff AFTER removing the bottom stave for 1 system then adding it back again. Before that command, it works as it should
Welcome to the forum @HatMarc.
Can you please upload your project with this chunk of music?
Thank you for the quick response. I just found a workaround where I add 2 staves and then delete the extra one… that seems to put the chords back in the middle where they should be
Very strange. Not sure why it’s doing that
@HatMarc I think the way to go is to set in Layout options, hide empty staves, so you don’t have to remove the staff but it will disappear as an miracle when there are no notes in it. I suppose that the chord problem then also is solved, but I’m not behind a computer so I did not test it.