Clef changes in Divisi Staves Question

I don’t know if there is a clean way to do this, but you can fake it:

  1. In write mode, select the clef, open the properties panel (Ctrl-8), and edit the colour. Change the “alpha channel” value to 0. (The red green and blue values don’t matter.)

That makes the clef invisible, but it still takes up space in the score. That might not matter, depending on how wide your lyrics are at that point, but you can fix it if you need to:

  1. In engrave mode, switch on “note spacing” in the left hand panel. Select the handle above the final bar line of the system, and (try to) move it to the left with Alt-left arrow. The bar line won’t move, because it is “stuck” to the right margin to justify the width of the staff, but the music will be stretched to the right to close the gap where the clef used to be.