Clip package won't export

When I try to export a clip package it doesn’t work…
I selected the clips (and tracks) go to file > export > clip package.
I can’t make a new folder either in the pop up and saving won’t work.
Any suggestions anyone? Thanks!!

Does it mention Sample Rates incompatibility? usually only time I couldn’t make a clip package was because of that.

Thanks for your reply!
No nothing in the pop up window seems to react. So I can save nor create a folder. Here’s a screenshot…

weird. Since your name is showing red maybe it doesn’t like the character. Try without the dot “.”

Also try saving the project as well with a name to see if that helps.

Thanks again!
I changed my name in the general settings window but there were no changes in the clip package pop-up. I can’t make ANY changes in the pop-up window at all…
I did save te project, but that didn’t make any difference either.

I made a support ticket at steinberg (no answer yet though…). If you have any more suggestions that would be great. Otherwise I’ll make sure to post the ‘cure’ once I got it sorted out.

Thanks again!!
Best, Bob