closing tool windows

In previous versions it was possible to close any tool window that had been opened by a certain keyboard command (like file browser or marker window) by using the same shortcut again that has been used to open the window. I wonder what the reason is that this is not possible anymore in WL9 - I now always have to close the window by clicking the “x” with the mouse pointer.
I always found it quite handy to close the window by keyboard command again…

You now have a common shortcut to close any window, as far as it is the active one: Control/Command + W.

That doesn’t always work, even if it’s called immediately. I’m always accidentally closing files (which I need to stay open).

Isn’t this a Windows key command?

That is fine if you open and close it immediately. But if you happen to leave it open, then set the focus on something else, and use Ctr+W, you can accidentally close something you didn’t mean to resulting in disastrous results.

I have always felt if you have all these windows with focus, you need specific KC’s. Either a separate KC to open and another to close it, or a toggle KC.

The same goes for Cubase as there are some horrible KC inconsistencies.

In previous versions it was possible to close any tool window that had been opened by a certain keyboard command (like file browser or marker window) by using the same shortcut again that has been used to open the window.

This will be back in 9.0.25.

WOW! :smiley:

PG…a huge thank you!

Say if you have some spare time, maybe you could step over to the Cubase side and help them out with a way to close some windows with Cubase…like History and Export windows… :laughing: