Colliding and overlapping frames

I have created material for my students in which I’ve combined normal music systems (for keyboard), image frames (that contain music slices from other dorico files) and text frames. Here is a quick screen shot of part of it:

As you can see, I manually repositioned the music systems (so as to centre them, and vertically align them in relation to the accompanying text).

As a result of all this manual repositioning, I am unable to create a new page (based on the default template) with new systems, because those systems, of course, attach themselves to places on the existing page as though my repositioning had never happened – that is, they completely overlap my positioned frames. I’ve even tried importing a flow from another project, but it too simply attaches itself to the existing page, overlapping everything, rather than create a new page.

Is there a quick and dirty way to produce a new default page (with systems) or to create or import a new flow that has its own page, without the resulting overlapping?

Thanks for any tips you’d care to share!

In Galley View, your last bar will end somewhere. Add another bar (even without music yet).
In Engrave Mode - right panel - you should then be able to create a page template change (if your layout has at least two pages). Do the change on page 2.

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Many thanks, k_b, but I can’t get it to work.
I opened p.2 in galley mode, added one bar to the end, then in Engrave mode, highlighted page 2 (on right), and inserted a master page change (after p.2, ‘default’), but all that happened was this:

– the green frame was added to the page 2 icon in the right panel, but that was all.

So I then tried almost the same, but instead of master page change, I tried “insert pages” / after page 2 / default. This did add a new page, but it was blank.

So I went back to the bottom of page 2 – which now has that added bar – and tried to move that new bar to the new page (with Shift S), but what that did was attach that new bar over a previously made music system earlier up on page 2:

Am I doing something incorrectly, or is this simply what happens when too many manual system location adjustments are made?

(Thanks again!)

Thanks again, k_b!

I went back to your original instructions, and this time, went back to that added new bar (at the end of page 2), and — after doing the master page change — highlighted the left barline of that new bar, and hit “insert frame break”. This did it!

I don’t know what the green icon frame means (likely “master page change”?), but I don’t understand why this manoeuvre required the master page change rather than just the frame break. . .

Oh yes, I forgot to mention the frame break, sorry.
Good you got it worked out.

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Thanks, k_b!

If you or anyone else has a free moment to explain why my “page 2” needed to receive a master page change – i.e., rather than page 3, or not at all – I’d be most grateful.

Please be aware that the Dorico terminology has changed. References to master pages only exist on early versions of Dorico. The current term is Page Template if you are searching for help.

Can you upload your example .dorico file?

Sure – thanks!
Parallel 6-3 chords with double voice-exchange.dorico (704.9 KB)

Thanks, Janus!
I am using v3.5, which called them “master pages”. I was vaguely aware of the new term used - and even envious of those who get to use the newer versions’ flexibity - but I had forgotten the newer term.

In your first screenshot you only posted 1 page, so the discussion related to that picture. Now, seeing the project, you were talking about pages following page 2. That’s confusing, of course.
As both your first pages have manual overrides, the page template change (in your case master page change) has to be done on page 3. So in Write Mode switch to Galley view, make sure, there is a bar after your last bar (add, if necessary) - switch to Engrave Mode, add a Frame Break after the last bar of your last musical example. Then add the template change (master page change) on page 3.
To avoid further confusion - related to the exact wording - you might want to tag this thread with Dorico version 3.5

Just to mention: Dorico 3.5 relies on the eLicenser system that will be retired in May this year. If your computer is capable of running Dorico 5, I strongly recommend updating to Dorico 5 before the eLicenser system is shut off. You will not only enjoy the benefits of hundreds of improvements added in Dorico 4 and Dorico 5, but you’ll also get the benefit of the much more reliable and flexible Steinberg Licensing system. Now is a good time to update to Dorico 5, as we are running a sales promotion for the next two weeks.

Thanks for the reminder, Daniel.
Unfortunately, the last time I checked, any version newer than 3.5 requires at least Windows 10, and I’m on Windows 7 (in a very expensive desktop, that is still running very well). If I’m wrong about this – if Dorico 5 will work on Windows 7 – I will very eagerly upgrade.

Re. eLicenser’s May retirement: what will this mean in relation to my running Dorico 3.5 (and an old Cubase!) on my current computer? As well, will the retirement mean I’ll be unable to access the Hub, or online forum and/or manual help?

Again, thanks for the heads-up.

We don’t officially support Dorico 5 on Windows 7, and I’m not sure whether it will run. But it should be easy to try it out by installing the trial version, which won’t affect your existing Dorico 3.5 installation.

Provided you don’t need to reactivate your software (e.g. if you have to reinstall your operating system or move to a new computer) you’ll be able to continue running your existing products after the shutdown. It might be a good idea to ensure that your licenses are located on a USB-eLicenser rather than using the Soft-eLicenser, as at least the USB-eLicenser can be moved between computers (or on the same computer after a drive replacement or Windows reinstall).

Thanks very much, k_b!

This is the part that I’m trying to understand. My hunch is that page template change effects a kind of ‘re-set’, that somehow (along with the frame break at the end of my page 2) tells Dorico to not create systems on top of my own page 2 systems. Is that correct?

On the other hand, since my page 2 was set as the Default template all along – and I asked page template change to use the same Default template – what, in fact, was actually changed by the page template change? (The terminology can be dizzying! :smile:)

Thanks, Daniel.

Trying Dorico 5 on Windows 7
I was just going to try to download and try Dorico 5’s trial version, but checked in my notes, and saw that I had tried to install Dorico 4 in the past, and it had failed, because:

At the time, I learned that dxgi.dll is for Direct X drivers, which Windows 7 has, but which function differently than in Win 10.
As well, my Dorico 3.5 no longer loaded sample sounds – it gave a message saying that there was a file missing – so, back then, I used a system restore point to make Dorico 3.5 fully functional again.

Would things be any different with Dorico 5?

USB eLicenser

I do use the USB eLicenser, but I vaguely remember (a year ago?) something about having to register (?) with the Soft-eLicenser as well. If you have a link to that, I’d be grateful. (I think I did all that was necessary then, but I’m not sure.)

You’re right that DirectX 11.1 or later is required, and you can’t run that on Windows 7, so it’s not possible to run later versions of Dorico on your computer.

I think this is the article you’re thinking of:

Thanks, Daniel!

My eLicenser Control Centre shows both an active USB key and a Soft eLicenser icon with serial number. Does this mean I have done all that should be done, short of moving to Steinberg Licensing via an upgrade to v.5?

(Or is there a way of moving to Steinberg Licensing without upgrading to Dorico 5?)

Am I correct in concluding that, by being limited to my USB-eLicenser (rather than Steinberg Licensing), I will be ineligible for any upgrade discounts if/when I eventually move to the current Windows?

Thanks for the heads-up, and for looking into this!

If you sign in to your Steinberg ID account and go to the My Products tab, there’s a link to Show eLicenser-based products. Provided you see all the products you expect to see in the web page you are then taken to, all is as well as it can be.

We will no doubt come up with some kind of solution for users who have been unable to move off the eLicenser before the retirement of the system later this year to allow them to buy an update to the current version, but I don’t know what this will look like.