Collisions Happening

Anybody know why these “crashes” are occurring? As you can see there are numerous places where items are running into one another on this page. I thought this was not supposed to be an issue with Dorico. Have I changed some type of setting that created this issue?

Thanks in advance for any help.

Crashes Sample.dorico (1.1 MB)

Your page is 126% full, so it’s not surprising that Dorico struggles.
In Layout Options, make your Page size larger and/or reduce your Space size.

When you say reduce the spacing, are you talking about note spacing in the Layouts menu?

No. Space size (rastral size) is the basic unit in Dorico - it’s the space between two lines on the stave. You are trying to squash many instruments onto a Letter size piece of paper. To do so without collisions you would need to make everything smaller, or you need to increase the size of the paper.

Understood. I will give this a try.
Thank you.

Where can I find the info. you found that tells one how full a frame is? You stated that the page was 126% full. How did you find that out?


(I had to increase the left margin to see the whole number)

Got it!

Thank you!

Gary, I’m glad you solved, but a crash shouldn’t happen anyway. Therefore I tested your project and in fact I didn’t get any crash:

However, if you really got a dump or a crash, you should append it and/or the Diagnostics here.

Thank you so much for looking this over.

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I think this thread is really about “collisions” (on the page) rather than “crashes” (of the program). @ghfagan51 Could you please change the title?

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:+1: :exclamation:

@phase_Shift Please start a new thread for your question. This thread is about collisions of objects on the page, not program crashes.


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