Combining duplicate instruments from Drum Set Imports

Hi all! I have a quagmire over here. After creating two separate large Dorico files, I decided to import the flows from one file into the other to make one large singular file. Along the way I ended up with all of these duplicate Players with duplicate Instruments. The file is intended to be an instructional book for drummers, so I really just need one Player/Instrument. When I “combine instruments into kit” I get this crazy drum set instrument with 17+ snares, kicks, toms, etc. I can still work with that, but it bogs down the system every time I make a new flow, and I worry that if I decide to make any changes with the notation, like choosing to change what the notehead is for a crash, that I’ll have a hell of a time making that change throughout the book. My questions are: Am I going about this the best way? Is there a way to tell Dorico that these duplicate snares can be combined into one snare? I try deleting a snare from the “edit percussion kit” window, but that deletes all the notes I’ve inputted. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE!

Looks like you should delete all those extra instruments.

I try that, but it deletes all the notes i’ve already input. any other suggestions?

When you imported flows, did you choose “Merge with existing players where possible” at the top of the dialog? If you missed this, you should do your imports over again with that selected.

after choosing to “merge with existing players” i still wind up with two players and two drum sets…

Good, so you can select a whole flow at a time in the second player and copy into the first with Alt+click. When the first has them all, just delete the second.