Command Cubase using VoiceAttack (Windows only)

Hi peeps, a voice command project I started for Cubase between 2018-2019 but then had to abandon due to life problems is now available to download FREE from my website, I put another 5 hours into it last Friday to bring it up to 2023.

Note: this uses VoiceAttack (sold separately)
Originally the project was called VCA (confusing), I changed it to Voice Command Cubase.
My Website

Happy producing :pray: :index_pointing_at_the_viewer: :+1:
Ryan Anthony (Phat Monkey)

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Your welcome :smiley:

estoy probando el vcc y realmente funciona genial, estoy adaptando los comandos al español para que voiceatack reconozca mejor mi voz, un estupendo trabajo ; muchas gracias. Me sorprende la poca informacion que hay de esta gran herramienta para produccion musical con cubase en todo internet; de hecho al escribir en el navegador " voice atack con cubase" solo sale de referencia real su pagina. Un gran descubrimiento, amigo

I am happy you are having fun with it and able to convert the commands into your native language, happy producing…